Tuesday, 6 September 2011

I'm Back

    Hello, I'm back! Just writing to shoo my migraine away by thinking that using my rusty brain once a while could help the blood circulation in my head.. Maybe I should change my habit of sleeping late.. 
    Hmmm... So much things to think of.. I'm not quite looking forward for the new semester as the subjects are getting more physic stuffs. Well, i'm just not that kind of person that can easily absorb formulas and calculations. I guess I'll just try to pass all the subjects, not aiming any A's. Gosh, I'll never be a good engineering student. As usual, I'll study last minute just days before exams, place my attention on unimportant stuffs, sleeping or dreaming in the class......
    Well, at least I have something to busy with in this coming semester. It's a small business!! I don't need to have modal since my boss will provide it. My job is to run the business. In other words, my boss is paying me to learn the subject "How to Run a Business & Make Money". XD Hey, thanks boss!! Haha.. Its a good opportunity anyway. All the details from the marketing strategy, the management, the expenses and stuffs will be under my responsibility. Although I don't gain support from my parents to get myself involve in this part time career, I'm insist with my own stand to give it a try. No harm trying right? =]
    Stay cheers, gurl.. 

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