Tuesday 6 September 2011

I'm Back

    Hello, I'm back! Just writing to shoo my migraine away by thinking that using my rusty brain once a while could help the blood circulation in my head.. Maybe I should change my habit of sleeping late.. 
    Hmmm... So much things to think of.. I'm not quite looking forward for the new semester as the subjects are getting more physic stuffs. Well, i'm just not that kind of person that can easily absorb formulas and calculations. I guess I'll just try to pass all the subjects, not aiming any A's. Gosh, I'll never be a good engineering student. As usual, I'll study last minute just days before exams, place my attention on unimportant stuffs, sleeping or dreaming in the class......
    Well, at least I have something to busy with in this coming semester. It's a small business!! I don't need to have modal since my boss will provide it. My job is to run the business. In other words, my boss is paying me to learn the subject "How to Run a Business & Make Money". XD Hey, thanks boss!! Haha.. Its a good opportunity anyway. All the details from the marketing strategy, the management, the expenses and stuffs will be under my responsibility. Although I don't gain support from my parents to get myself involve in this part time career, I'm insist with my own stand to give it a try. No harm trying right? =]
    Stay cheers, gurl.. 

Monday 4 April 2011


    以我的经验来说,我爸妈吵吵两下,过几个招数,就没当一回事了。所以啊,我也不好多管闲事地问爸妈什么,只打个电话说我下星期要回去。爸妈冷静了,自然会找机会让我做他们的情绪垃圾桶。 XD

Friday 1 April 2011

Roti Canai

  Serious matter here. I ate roti canai this morning. Yea, seriously, the best roti canai I ever eat in my life even it is roti kosong!!! I can go nuts for this. Craving for it. What so special about it? Well, the smell of the roti is just as good as aroma therapy and the taste, OMG, damn nice wei!!! With the well-blended dahl mix with sambal to eat together with the roti, plus a cup of 'cham' ( coffee + tea ) can make my day~~~ =]

  I do enjoy the environment there, so 1 Malaysia. An Indian / Malay / Mamak (I'm not sure...) uncle who makes roti, a woman cooks the roti, and an Indian guy serves the roti. That is the roti department. XD The drink department, dominate by two Chinese. The Chinese guy make my 'cham' very nice leh... Its like 'tarik'-ed but without bubbles. You can also observe the customer there. Some Ah Pek's who talk loudly, some Malay uncles having breakfast together, a Chinese lady who 'ta bao' RM 20++ roti canai... @.@ Imagine how many roti there...

  The location?? Haha.. Almost forgetting the main point... Its between Iris Hotel and Station 1 Cafe, Melaka Raya. Give you a sign here. =] 

  Do not judge a book by its cover... The plain sign board doesn't mean anything. A reminder: the roti will be sold out around 10am. Be early bird if you wanna get there~~~

Thursday 31 March 2011


  I'm now burning the midnight oil to study for my test that will be coming soon enough, in 10 hours time. This is the consequences when I don't study regularly. Well, I don't really care about my studies in university either. Getting A's is never my aim in university since that I'm just going campus for four years to get a degree. But, at least I'm still study lar.... although I never like my course. I don't aim A's but I don't want to fail either.

  Burning midnight oil is one of my regular activity apart from burning oil in my body. I'm a night owl. =] I really miss swimming but my ears are so sensitive to infection these days. I got infection in my left ear about three weeks ago that cause swelling and pain that I couldn't sleep with my head lying on the left. Now, my ear gets itchy and some unknown liquid keep secreting out. Disgusting huh? This is the thing that preventing myself to swim because I'm afraid the water will get into my ear and things get worse. So, plan B. I'm looking forward for badminton game tonight. Yay~~ Burn oil time!! XD

  Burning gas and oil seem so common in Malaysia. We so used to the low price of fossil fuels in our daily life especially in transportation. A family a car or more is the lifestyle here. Thanks to the standardized fuel price throughout Malaysia and poor public transport of course. I knew a Nepali back some times. He told me that his family rather cook with wood than gas although they have a gas stove in their house. Why? The cost is triple higher than in Malaysia. We should appreciate that we are given such gift from the Mother Earth by abandoning the thought that we could use those resources unlimitedly. Maybe we should start to cycle more to nearby places instead of driving or car pool with other people. Time to Go Green people, save the Earth, save your money. =]

Sunday 27 March 2011


  People always relate darkness as fear, anger, cruelty, hopeless and all the negative emotions. How can we shine some light into our mind? My friend and I talked about god in our conversation just now. I guess he would be seeking his peace of mind through praying. Whereby I will get a good sleep to calm myself down and think things through later. Different people will have different ways to invite sunshine into their lives, but some may lost in their dilemma. I know a girl who can't live without boyfriend and she would be very emo if she don't have one. Come on lar... Its your life, so are you gonna depend on others to live your life? Find your light, girl~~

  My house has been cut off electricity since 11 in the morning. All the members in my house were like hoping stupidly for electricity especially when the dark came after 7pm. No tv, no pc, can't read under the pitiful candle light. Well, special appreciation for my apartment maintenance who initially want to fix an electric cable underground but end up breaking the water pipe. What we did for the past few hours are in the dark, like a blind moving around. In the end, the power supply back to normal at about 12 midnight. To look at the good side, we had participated the earth hour event unintentionally. =] Save the Earth!!!

  There is a job that I will never take up ---> politician. In my point of view, politicians are mostly representing the darkest devil of humanity. Greed of money and power, cruelty, selfishness and dishonesty are my labels on the politicians. Well, maybe an exception for some of them. I'm just sick of the lies told after lies by politicians. Quotas are implemented in various field from education to tender for construction to buying properties. What? 1 Malaysia? Its just a sweet slogan unless discrimination is totally eliminated from our country. Politicians, where are your lights?? Fight for the country!


  Well, I met a girl 3 days ago… We played badminton and after that, I fetch her back to her hostel along with her three friends. Then, we decided to go ‘pasar malam’. It is on the way to ‘pasar malam’ that my friend and I found out that we were born on the same year, same month, same day and even almost same time!!! Haha… Maybe we are the long lost un-identical twin sister. Who knows~~ XD

  The weirdest thing that happens coincidently on me would be my first meet with my hubby. A lot of people asking me how did I met my hubby and get to know him, and I would usually smile at them. It’s a sunny afternoon. I decided to send my car to the car wash. While I was waiting for my car to be cleaned, a guy came to wash his bike and we got hook up. We chit chat all the nonsense but he got the smart point by getting my phone number. =] Then, we went Jonker Street in our first date and things goes nice and sweet and there, we are a couple. Lol…