Thursday, 31 March 2011


  I'm now burning the midnight oil to study for my test that will be coming soon enough, in 10 hours time. This is the consequences when I don't study regularly. Well, I don't really care about my studies in university either. Getting A's is never my aim in university since that I'm just going campus for four years to get a degree. But, at least I'm still study lar.... although I never like my course. I don't aim A's but I don't want to fail either.

  Burning midnight oil is one of my regular activity apart from burning oil in my body. I'm a night owl. =] I really miss swimming but my ears are so sensitive to infection these days. I got infection in my left ear about three weeks ago that cause swelling and pain that I couldn't sleep with my head lying on the left. Now, my ear gets itchy and some unknown liquid keep secreting out. Disgusting huh? This is the thing that preventing myself to swim because I'm afraid the water will get into my ear and things get worse. So, plan B. I'm looking forward for badminton game tonight. Yay~~ Burn oil time!! XD

  Burning gas and oil seem so common in Malaysia. We so used to the low price of fossil fuels in our daily life especially in transportation. A family a car or more is the lifestyle here. Thanks to the standardized fuel price throughout Malaysia and poor public transport of course. I knew a Nepali back some times. He told me that his family rather cook with wood than gas although they have a gas stove in their house. Why? The cost is triple higher than in Malaysia. We should appreciate that we are given such gift from the Mother Earth by abandoning the thought that we could use those resources unlimitedly. Maybe we should start to cycle more to nearby places instead of driving or car pool with other people. Time to Go Green people, save the Earth, save your money. =]

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