Saturday 12 March 2011


  Oh, I've just talked about rabbit with a friend. Haha... I've even teased him that he is the rabbit in the moon. According to the Chinese legend, there's a rabbit stays in the moon which always felt lonely. The only companion will be a nice lady a few thousand years ago who had swollen some sort of don't-know-what kind of medicine  and flew to the moon. Well, my friend there is happy to be called a rabbit since he will have 'leng lui' with him. I would say that he will be living with a thousands years old mummy, if I wanna put it in a 'nicer' way. XD

  Another rabbit story in my house. My sister rares rabbits as her pet. (attention to my word 'rabbitS', so its more than one rabbit) Rabbits seem cute at first. They are the bred of 'lion head' with long and smooth fur. But then, they turned out to be the annoying rabbits due to their urine smell, damaging the house furniture as they like to bite things to grind their never ended growing teeth, shit everwhere... and the worst thing is their breeding ability. So, imagine the annoying level times double, triple, infinity... I wish I could make them into 'satay'.. miss that taste.. yum yum~~~

  Rabbits are also used in biomethodology. Actually, rabbits are used more often than the white mice in research studies due to some of its advantageous criteria such as their skin. Rabbits are often used in dermatology test, drug test and skin burn test. Of course, they are also used in other various tests as well. (You will not like to imagine what happen to them during the tests...) Some people proposed that every research centre that uses rabbits should build rabbit statue as to honour their scarifices. Well, I support the idea. It inspires me to get a rabbit doll for my sister after I 'satay' her rabbits. Evil me... XD

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