Monday 21 March 2011


  I'm addicted to Facebook. Why? There are many reasons : playing games, socializing, communicating, wasting time... However, most of the time is spent on things that are not important at all. I do read books though, (They are the real books made of pulps, not face-book. LOL..) just that the tick-tock's are lesser. Pathetic huh??

  I also have a weird addiction to food. I'm usually eating less compare to other normal people around me. But, once I tried and like a food,  I will eat it always until I get bored of it. (I don't have much care on the calories, and the results are on my tummy and butt size... XD ) Then, finding another food will be my next mission. 

  Recently, I'm addicted to badminton!! Its a goos news!! Well, everything should have the Yin and Yang. Haha... I gained weight, then I workout. So, my weight would be balance  <--- self comforting.... I played badminton thrice last week, my most games played as far as I could remember.

  Students in my university are addicted to answer schemes. Don't sshhhhh... at me. Its an open secret lar... We are so damn good in plagiarism. Most of the students will somehow find their way of getting answer scheme for their tutorials, either from their coursemates, friends, seniors or from their lecturers. This is extremely-seriously-undeniably happen in Mathematics and Physics subjects that are tougher.

  On the other hand, Malaysians are addicted to what? Are you thinking, imaging, guessing??  Its subsidies!!! Let's see what are the things that are subsidized by the government : petrol and gas, sugar, cooking oil, rice, flour, bread, ........... and the list goes on. How much is spent on subsidies?? RM 73 billion. That, has awarded us the title of one of the countries with the highest per capita spent on subsidies. Be proud, Malaysia.

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